In Bucuresti este o autentica zi de primavara. Revine obsedant in mintea mea aceasta melodie. Sper sa va placa...
The willows have gone crazy
From all the spring
They walk naked in the skies
With all their souls in exterior
And they took it out from morning
White and loaded with dew
With strong odours from the sky
Pulled out from a new mistery
The willows have gone crazy
And with their sickness all together
It seems something happened
And with all this world
Raving birds
Take out their souls from them
Wandering from many longings
Travelers between the stars
The green forest got fuddled
It's not so calm anymore
It hold the moon longish
Like a heart in the palm
You don't see my soul how it gets out
In chaotic words
The willows have gone crazy
And you want me to behave?
And you want me to behave ?
Jurnalul unui consilier local – săptămâna 209
Acum 3 luni
4 comentarii:
Wonderful poem!! Yours?
Extraordinar de frumos!! Tudor Gheorghe ma rascoleste enorm...inca putin si plang...vezi mail-ul si o sa intelegi..:)
No baby, it is the translation of the song. Tudor Gheorghe is one (if the not the only one) authentic folk singer in Romania. his music and the lyrics are quite masterpieces. Bad girls, what is that instrument that he is playing? What you call it in English? What is "cobza"?
Multumesc pentru ajutor, Georgi! Nu stiu, spre rusinea mea, cine a scris versurile acestui cantec extraordinar. Din pacate nu stiu nici cum sa spun "cobza" in engleza. Sunt sigura insa, ca indiferent cum s-ar numi, mesajul pe care il transmite este extraordinar! De aceea am vrut sa impartasesc cu voi ce am simtit cand am ascultat acest cantec dimineata.Am cautat traducerea in egleza special pentru Pascal, ca sa ii fie mai usor sa inteleaga mesajul.
O seara buna va doresc, dragii mei prieteni!
Da, ce conteaza pana la urma? asculti si te bucuri. I-a placut mult Tudor Gheorghe
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